Hello everyone, it's been a while. A farm wedding in the middle of the growing season truly does take over the farm. Ken and Adrienne's wedding was fantastic and I think a good time was had by all, seriously. Kate and I were contributing all we could to the farm's operation while Ken, Adrienne, and their families were running about setting things up for a wedding of about 200 people.
Meanwhile, Kate and I have been furiously looking for a place to farm together next year; possibly partnering with a friend or two or five. We have applied to be MOFGA Journeypeople so we could have access to many farming resources in the state of Maine and learn more about the things we like to do so we can do them better. There is a lot of land that isn't being used, is being retired because the farmer is retiring, and land that people just plain want to see in agricultural production.
We had a really exciting opportunity that fell through in the beginning of August and have since stumbled upon several more that are exciting for many reasons. We are excited to perhaps be involved in agricultural education at a charter school and still involving horses in the whole operation. I suppose most of what I can say at this point is speculation and circumstance so I won't say much more until something concrete happens. Regardless, Kate and I are expending a lot of energy trying to find that "perfect farm." We know we just have to be patient, but are also impatient to get our own gig going. If you think we're crazy, please say so. We probably won't listen anyway, but it's good to have a reality check. After all, we just want to farm veggies with horses. No rush right? Winter is a-comin'.